Ø In my day to day practice I am seeing lots
of patients with Vitamin D3 and B12 deficiency.
Patients complaining of easily getting tired, fatigue, breathless, giddiness, body ache, leg pain. As lack of nutrients even in their complete meal.
Advised Maha Millet, Miraculously within few days patients started getting better with their aches and pains and other complaints.
Also I am myself taking, it’s not only giving me so much energy also it is fulfilling the stomach when taken with milk at night and not much hungry. So it helps in weight management too. Next Morning I get amazing strength. My whole family and friends started continuing after our very good experience with Maha Millet. Thanks for such a wonderful product.
Dr. Manisha, Bangalore.
Ø After prescribing Maha Millet to many
patients, I have got the following results. These are few feedback from the
patients from all age group have benefited.
ü It has reduced joint pains in many old age
ü It gives long lasting stamina in athletes.
ü It has given wonderful results in upper
respiratory tract infection. People who were suffering, after taking MAHA
MILLET felt better and less drained and exhausted.
ü In some cases who were having repeated
recurring infections it stopped completely and in some cases the frequency of
infection reduced a lot.
ü This shows it is a good immune tonic. It has
improved the resistance power of the people. It’s modern vaccinator against
cold, cough and viral fever.
ü It has increased HB% in many patients.
ü It has also helped in weight management,
patients with Weight reduction problem. It has helped to gain weight if taken
with milk and also can be taken with water to reduce weights.
ü It has helped many females in there
menstrual cycle.
Dr. Kiran Bagul
Ø What I have observed after prescribing MAHA
MILLET that It is very good for females. It has reduced joint pains, body ache With
in few days surprisingly and it gives good strength which retains for the whole
It has helped to reduce lethargies.
Dr. Mahendra
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